IPv6, The DDoSing
Meanwhile in DDoS news… Reportage of IPv6 DDoSing via El Reg, (and well-written by Kieren McCarthy) detailing an IPv6-transported DDoS attack – a 1.35Tbps attack on GitHub – that should be baking a lot of noodles out there in the network protection racket…
“Network guru Wesley George noticed the strange traffic earlier this week as part of a larger attack on a DNS server in an effort to overwhelm it. He was taking packet captures of the malicious traffic as part of his job at Neustar’s SiteProtect DDoS protection service when he realized there were “packets coming from IPv6 addresses to an IPv6 host.” The attack wasn’t huge – unlike this week’s record-breaking 1.35Tbps attack on GitHub – and it wasn’t using a method that is exclusive to IPv6, but it was sufficiently unusual and worrying to flag to the rest of his team.” – via Kieren McCarthy writing at El Reg
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/03/ipv6_ddos/