Privacy Awareness Week, Day 1: What is privacy and changes to the Act

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 This week (5th -10th May) is Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) and CQR has partnered with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) to help promote Privacy Awareness amongst the community.
So what is Privacy?
Privacy is about the protection of an individual’s personal information.  We are all responsible for protecting our own identity and that of others.  Think about it:  We expose or own personal information on a daily basis.  When we use social media, contact our utility companies and shop online we provide a large amount of our own personal data.  You may make the assumption that the person or website you are sharing your information with will take care of it, ensure it is secure and not share it with anyone else.
This to a degree is true and most companies will have a privacy policy in place to demonstrate a level of commitment to protecting your personal information, but this isn’t a fool proof solution.

The person who is actually responsible for your personal data at the end of the day is you!  What is the best way to safeguard yourself and look after your own identity?  Have you ever taken the time to think about it?
To help you understand, Australia an independent Government agency responsible for privacy functions that are conferred by the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) called the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).  The OAIC provides advice and guidance to the public, Businesses and Government agencies on how they are to handle personal information. 

The changes to the Privacy Act on 12th march 2014 brought about a heightened awareness of the message that we should be protecting our own privacy and together with PAW CQR has put together a program of Blogs covering:
–          How you can protect your privacy online;
–          What you can do to protect your privacy when using mobile apps;
–          Business obligations to privacy; and
–          How to manage breaches to personal information.
We hope that you will keep a keen eye out on blogs, get engaged in conversation and most importantly retweet the messages to colleagues, family and friends to share the importance of Privacy.

You can find more information on your privacy rights and Privacy Awareness Week from the OAICwebsite

Yvonne Sears
Senior Security Specialist

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from CQR authored by CQR. Read the original post at: