Blue Box’s 3-year anniversary coming up on Friday…

It was three years ago Friday, on October 24, 2005, that I uploaded Blue Box Podcast #1, an 11-minute show where I introduced the show, talked about VoIP security news (To no surprise, I was talking about Skype security!), some projects of VOIPSA and some other podcasts people might find interesting. A week later, on Halloween 2005, Jonathan joined me in Blue Box Podcast #2 and we were off and running…

Three years later… 84 main Blue Box episodes (with one more recorded) …. 26 Special Editions (with about 10 in the queue)… almost 250,000 downloads… we’re still here and, with an admitted bit of a rough patch this summer, are still going along creating shows and enjoying what we do.

Jonathan and I are planning to record a 3-year show on this coming Friday, October 24th, and if you have any comments you would like us to include in that show, please do get them to us by the end of the day on Thursday, October 23rd. You can send them to us via:

The show started out 3 years ago as really an experiment in seeing whether or not podcasting could be used to reach out to very specific audiences… and it’s been both fun, amazing and interesting to see how well it’s done.

Thank you to all of you who have continued to listen and contribute over the years!

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast authored by Dan York and Jonathan Zar. Read the original post at: